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A Message from Director Erika George

Erika GeorgeDear Tanner Humanities Community,

I hope my message finds you and yours safe and well. As the world addresses the upheaval and uncertainty caused by the pandemic novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), I want you to know that you are in our thoughts.

These unprecedented times serve to underscore humanity’s interconnection and interdependence. While the days ahead will be difficult, I believe the present crisis offers us an opportunity to deepen our capacity for empathy and to enrich our understanding of the human condition, our common humanity, the universality of the human experience, and the challenges humanity confronts.

Because many find meaning, comfort, and hope through enjoying art and culture, Tanner Humanities remains committed to finding ways to connect with you in new ways. Social distancing need not become social isolation.

Erika George

(From left to right) Beth James, Associate Director;
Reshma Saujani, 2020 World Leader Lecturer
and founder of Girls Who Code;
Erika George, Director;
Susan Anderson, Development Officer

Consistent with the recommendations of Utah’s COVID-19 task force we have postponed our upcoming programs to slow the spread but we will reach out to you regularly during these challenging and changing times. Please follow us on social media for our updates and information on arts and culture activities available to you online. We have partnered with other academic centers across the nation to co-host a series of virtual conversations on advancing rights and justice during a pandemic. We will share some of our favorite ways to enjoy arts and culture from home and look for a writing prompt from Utah’s Poet Laureate Paisley Rekdal to celebrate April as National Poetry Month. 

Because arts and cultural organizations will face significant financial challenges in the near future Tanner Humanities realizes that many of you want to know how best to help now. The University of Utah has created a campaign for needs on campus. Please visit here for more information.

We value our relationship with you. We appreciate your support and we look forward to seeing you again in person. Please feel free to contact us to share your ideas.

Last Updated: 2/27/25