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Former Fellows


Eric Herschthal,  Assistant Professor, Department of History
January 25, 2024 
TITLE:"Carbon Conscripts: Slavery and the Origins of Climate Change"

"Carbon Conscripts" explores the role racial slavery played in the origins of climate change.  In recent years, interdisciplinary scholars working across the humanities have suggested that slave plantations may have been an early driver of human-induced climate change.  Yet the notion has remained a theoretical conjecture rather than an empirically-tested idea.  Drawing on a collaboration with climate scientists, "Carbon Conscripts" models the carbon emissions of the major slave-grown crops in Anglo-American Atlantic World from the seventeenth through nineteenth century and compares them to emissions from the major non-slave grown commodities of the period.  The study ultimately shows that, with some key exceptions, slave-grown commodities dramatically expanded the carbon footprint of the British and American empires long before the transition to fossil fuels, crystalizing a form of racial capitalism that continues to fuel carbon emissions globally today.

Darcie DeAngelo,  Assistant Professor, Department of Sociocultural Anthropology, University of Oklahoma, Annie Clark Tanner Fellow in Environmental Humanities and Environmental Justice 
February 1, 2024
"For the Love of Rats"

We humans don’t love rats, generally speaking. Ten thousand years ago, after modes of production shifted from prehistoric foraging to more settled types of agriculture, pests coevolved with humans. Over a quarter of the world’s human population still derive their livelihoods from farming as a fulltime occupation while the rest of us depend on this agriculture for subsistence. So do the pests. But that might be overly economically deterministic. Consider the rats themselves. Rats look like pests. Their habits and bodies feed into their stereotypes. They hang out in sewers. Their eyes glow in the dark. They have teeth that chitter and… that tail. Imagine my surprise, then, when I met a group of humans who loved rats. These humans loved rats. I have conducted research on rats for half a decade. My research on rats led me to stories from across the world about human encounters with rats as well as why and how they proliferate so well. From vectors to prey, from enemies to models, to finally beloved, in this lecture I discuss some of the surprising encounters between humans and rats across space and time. Being a rat cannot be understood without understanding being a human, just as being a human cannot be understood without understanding being a rat.

Nadja Durbach, Professor, Department of History
February 8, 2024
"From Slaves to Enslaved People: Slave Registration and the Emergence of Identity Documentation in the British World, 1812-34"

The abolition of the slave trade in 1807 led to an illegal traffic in slaves in Britain’s Caribbean and Indian Ocean colonies. Britain’s government attempted to curb this by mandating the registration of the “lawfully enslaved” in every slave-holding colony. Because copies of these registers were kept in a central office in London, they were one of few ways in which an individual could be vouched for across the British empire. Predating birth certificates, slave registration was thus among the first modern forms of identity documentation. In documenting some combination of name, color, employment, age, stature, country of origin, distinguishing marks, and kinship relations these government records participated in codifying how identity was coming to be understood in the early nineteenth-century British world. Despite government claims that this practice safeguarded their property, however, planters fiercely resisted slave registration. This was not only because they saw this measure as unwarranted interference in colonial society. It was also because the registration process went well beyond a population accounting. The requirement to record each individual on a separate line with discrete data, compelled planters to acknowledge that the enslaved were unique persons even while registering them as chattel.

Jenny Andrus, Professor, Department of Writing and Rhetoric Studies
February 15, 2024
"'Under His Thumb:' Storytelling about Staying in Violent Intimate Relationships"

There is a debate in discourse analysis about the proper way to generate narratives for research. There are those who elicit narratives in interviews, producing longer, developed narratives that have likely been practiced in earlier storytelling events (Labov and Waltsky). Then, there are scholars who argue that narrative analysis should focus on narratives occurring in interaction (De Fina and Georgakopoulou). Additionally, narrative analysis must consider the relationship between the local context of storytelling and the macro context of sociocultural mores.

This paper refuses to take sides in this debate. Instead, I use a Labovian-style discourse analysis to show that narratives produced in interviews also reference social ideologies and identities as they create stories that reflect the storyteller’s goals and engage local and macro audiences. This is particularly true in narratives about Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). In narratives about IPV that emerge in interviews, the narratives are interactional and specific to the storytelling event. Further, stories emerge about what victims/survivors know about socioculturally structured identities, ideologies, and stereotypes about women who stay in violent relationships. In this paper, I identify narrative strategies that engage social discourses, while I also show how the storytelling responds to and complicates held beliefs about IPV that are circulating in sociocultural discourses.

C. Thi Nguyen, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy
February 22, 2024
Title: "The Social Function of Scoring Systems"

We find scoring systems aplenty in both games and institutional life – in all the rankings and metrics which surround us. Why are scores so common, and what does it mean that we are so often entangled in scoring systems that we don’t entirely control? A score is a quantitative evaluation that renders a singular verdict. Scores have a typical function: they to encourage convergence on a singular evaluation. They are not transparent engines; they transform our values. Scoring can exert systematic pressures on our social processes of evaluations. They work to suppress pluralism about value, and to discourage evaluations in vague terms, and they encourage evaluation in mechanically repeatable terms. In doing so, scores can also serve to settle key choice points in collective reasoning processes – which explains, in part, the centrality of metrics in institutional deliberation.

Charlotte Hansen Terry, PhD Candidate, Department of History, University of California, Davis
February 29, 2024
"To Make Saints: Mormon Adoptions and Familial Belonging in the Pacific"

White Mormon missionaries first arrived in Hawai‘i in 1850 and started the practice of adopting or sponsoring Pacific Islanders and bringing them to the North American West within a few years. Mormon participation in English schools is what led to many of these migrations, and some children then went to Utah and the larger Mormon cultural region to attend school. This paper explores these cross-racial adoptions and how adoption was understood across different communities. The adoption of Pacific Islander children complicated Mormon attempts to expand the boundaries of belonging as adoptions exacerbated tensions with the United States and Pacific nations by the 1890s. This talk is part of a larger project that explores Mormon missionization efforts during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and responses to these efforts by Pacific Islanders and their governments, U.S. imperial agents, and other missionary organizations. It traces how white Mormon missionaries and Pacific Islanders considered their affiliations with one another, and also their attempts to define and expand racial, religious, familial, and national belonging.

Matty Glasgow,PhD Candidate, Department of English
March 12, 2024
"They, or Restoration: An Essay" 

The Bear River is many and multiple: the primary tributary to a drying ancient lake, a site of state-sanctioned genocide, boundless molecules who have known many paths and many ends, a symbol for our ursine kin who once lumbered in great numbers along their shores. A river, too, is kin. Their flow not only maintains life, but is, in themselves, alive. Their memory insists on histories, both social and environmental, which offer truth in the mud and muck of mythologies of the American West and climate change denial. Can the river bear us? Can we bear them? This lyric essay considers the multiplicity and more-than-human agency of the Bear River, the work being done to restore ecosystems along their path, and if whiteness grounded in colonial extraction will ever allow for such restorative kinship. If we ask a river about their own restoration, they might respond: of whom, for whom, to when, and why? 

Nicole Clawson, PhD Candidate, Department of Writing and Rhetoric Studies
March 28, 2024
"'We’re just people. We’re not these crazy guys with guns:' Rhetorical Narratives and Officer Identity Performance"

Narratives can create a shared worldview and provide resources that teach members of a society how to behave. As it does elsewhere, storytelling plays an important role in the work of police officers and in forming and maintaining police culture. Quotidian narratives shape police culture and give rise to officer identities. In this talk, I present a concept called “flexible and evolving identity.” I hold that identity not only emerges in-the-moment but evolves over time. The narratives I analyze consider emergent identities that operate outside traditional officer behavior (i.e., racist, machismo, suspicious, etc.), rhetorically positioning officers as “human.” Being “human” is used to create connection and camaraderie with the public. The stories told by these officers are not “just stories”; they do real rhetorical work to reshape and reframe police culture. Using this analysis, I show that officer identity and police discourse are rhetorically flexible and open to evolution. As more idiosyncratic identities and non-traditional policing narratives are shared, police discourse and culture metamorphosizes. 

C.J. Alvarez, Associate Professor Mexican American and Latina-o Studies, University of Texas at Austin 
April 4, 2024
"Desert Time"

There is a vast desert in the heart of North America, the biggest of its kind on the continent. This dryland is called the Chihuahuan Desert, at least by some. Most people though, in either the United States or Mexico, do not call it by any name and would be hard put to find it on a map. It is an ancient place in the midst of time-illiterate societies, a highly specialized ecosystem populated largely by people stricken with environmental amnesia. This talk is about the history of the desert which is, depending on how you measure, over 8,000 years old. There is no academic discipline, calendrical system, or common vocabulary available to describe this length of time, the lifespan of the desert. This talk proposes, with trepidation and humility, several ways of organizing desert time in the absence of any intrinsically meaningful schema and in the face of a human-centered worldview that too often dominates our imaginations and impoverishes our feel for the world outside our species.

Hua Zhu, Assistant Professor, Department of Writing & Rhetoric Studies
April 9, 2024
"From Resistance to Interconnectivity: Enacting the Rhetoric of Yin"

This lecture proposes the rhetoric of yin 因 as a specific way of power subversion. In early Chinese rhetoric, yin means “to go with local circumstances.” It specifically features a paradoxical act of reforming dominant discourses while performing a level of conformity to the discourses. To recover the rhetoric of yin, I recontextualize Guiguzi, a treatise in the Warring States period of China, and further trace ancient traveling consultants’ practice of yin in the situation of advising nobles. Consultants’ practice of yin invites rhetoricians to consider how one might break through the paradigm of speaking against power and speaking outside power, underlying which is an oppositional and ethnocentric logic that sustains the systematic production of the Other. As a shrewd and responsive rhetoric, yin reorients power subversion from antithetic resistance to interconnectivity, or a relating-yet-separating relationship where there is no center to imagine from but subjects and rhetorics of various kinds can co-exist and become interdependent.


Joy Pierce  Associate Professor, Department of Writing and Rhetoric Studies
Tuesday, January 24
TITLE:Digital Divides and Inclusion: What’s in a Name?”

Taylor Brorby  The Annie Clark Tanner Teaching & Research Fellow in Environmental Humanities
Tuesday, February 7
TITLE:"The Pancreas and the Potluck: Diabetes, Climate Change, and the Art of Personal Narrative"

Rachel Dentinger  Adjunct Assistant Professor Department of Philosophy, Assistant Professor, Department of History
Thursday, February 9
TITLE:Wastes or Weapons? Conflicting theories of plant chemicals in 1960s biology” 

Spencer Ivy  Graduate Student, Department of Philosophy
Thursday February 16 
TITLE: “Expertise isn’t flying! It’s falling with style” 

Kent Ono  Professor, Department of Communication
Thursday, March 23
TITLE: “Racial Epistemologies” 

Ben Spackman  Mormon Studies Graduate Research Fellow
Thursday, March 30
TITLE: “Expertise, Exegesis, and Ecclesiology: The Intellectual Roots of Latter-day Saint Creation/Evolution Conflict in the Twentieth Century” 

Vanessa Brutsche    Associate Professor, Department of World Languages & Cultures
Thursday, April 6 
TITLE: “Jean Cayrol: from the Camp to the City” 

Lawrence Culver     Associate Professor, Department of History Utah State University
Tuesday, April 11
TITLE: “Manifest Disaster: Climate and the Making of America” 

Lida Sarafrazarpatapeh    Graduate Student, Department of Philosophy
Thursday, April 13
TITLE: “Ethical Considerations Regarding the Health Needs of Muslim Women in Biomedical Research”

Jackie Sheean   Assistant Professor, Department of World Languages & Cultures
Thursday, April 20
TITLE:On the Periphery of (the) Capital: Urban Planning and Delinquent Cinema during the Francisco Franco Dictatorship” 



Julie Ault, Department of History
“Solidarity and Socialist Riches: East German Diplomacy, Environment, and Technology, 1949-1989”
Danielle Endres, Department of Communication
“Emergent Engagements with Energy Democracy in Puerto Rico”
Katharina Gerstenberger, World Languages and Cultures
“Disturbed Places and Troubled Times: Bikini, Chernobyl, Fukushima”
Helene A. Shugart, Department of Communication
“Destigmata: Normalizing Narratives of Mental Illness”
Cindy Stark, Department of Philosophy
“Misplaced Blame”

Lezlie Frye, Gender Studies in The School For Cultural And Social Transformation
“Domesticating Disability: Post-Civil Rights Racial Disenfranchisement and the Birth of the Disabled Citizen”

Sean Collins, Department of English
“’The Life of Significant Soil’: Nature, Politics, and the Modernist Environmental Imagination”
Richard Figueroa, Department of Philosophy
“Persistence through Change: On Preserving Evolvability as a Strategy for Biological Conservation”
Charnell Peters, Department of Communication
“The (New) Science of Race: Communicating and Constructing Blackness Through Genetic Ancestry Testing”

Nkenna Onwuzuruoha, Department of English
“Fighting Words with Fists: The Paradoxes of the ‘Gater Incident’ at San Francisco State College, 1967-1969”


James Campbell, Department of History, Stanford University,
“Freedom Now: The Mississippi Freedom Movement in American History and Memory”

Janan Graham-Russell, Program in the Study of Religion, Harvard University
"They Call Me Dyaspora: Ethnoracial Identity and Social-Religious Capital Among Haitian Mormons in Utah and Massachusetss"


Virgil D. Aldrich Faculty Research Fellowships

ANDREW FRANTA, Department of English, “Romanticism and the History of the Future”

NATALIA WASHINGTON, Department of Philosophy, “Taxonomy is Taxidermy: Thinking Clearly About Diagnostic Kinds”


Graduate Research Fellowship

TAYLOR JOHNSON, Department of Communication, “Decolonizing Publicity: Indigenous Resistance and Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making in the Bears Ears National Monument Controversy”


Latter-day Saints Studies Research Fellowship

HANNAH JUNG, Department of History, Brandeis University, “The Transformation of Secrets: Family, Religion, and the Resilience of Mormon Polygamy


Virgil D. Aldrich Faculty Fellowships

  • CATHERINE MAYES, Department of Music, “Hungarian Dances in Eighteenth-Century Vienna”
  • MAUREEN MATHISON, Department of Writing and Rhetoric Studies, “Social Contexts and the Rhetoric of Scientific Controversy”


Annie Clark Tanner Fellow in Environmental Humanities

  • TIFFANY HIGGINS, independent scholar, poet, environmental journalist, “The Impact of Hydroelectric Dams on Brazil’s Indigenous and Traditional Peoples.”


Marlin K. Jensen Scholar and Artist in Residence

  • ANDREW K. LLOYD, Assistant Professor, Department of Music, University of Texas at San Antonio, “Latter-day Saints and the Musical Arts.”


Graduate Research Fellowships

  • BRANDON CLARK, Department of History, “Environmental History of the Colonial Americas”
  • MELISSA PARKS, Department of Communication, “From the Redwoods Conservation Movement to Sequencing Genomes: Genetic Ecologies of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries”
  • CORI WINROCK, Department of English, “Digital Text-iles: Stitching Hybridity”


Graduate Research Fellowship in Latter-day Saints Studies

  • SASHA COLES, Department of History, University of California at Santa Barbara, “Homespun Respectability: Silk Worlds, Women’s Work, and the Making of Mormon Identity, 1850s-1910”


Tanner Humanities Center Honors Undergraduate Fellowship

  • ANDREW HAYES, Department of Philosophy, “The Problem of Self-Knowledge: Agency and First-Person Opacity”



  • HEATHER HOUSER, Department of English, University of Texas at Austin, "Environmental Culture of the Infowhelm"


  • GRETCHEN HENDERSON, Department of English, Georgetown University, "Tectonic Essays: A Philosophy of Stones"


  • KEVIN DELUCA, Department of Communication, "Activism on the Wild Public Screens of China: Environmentalism, Social Media, and Civil Society"
  • RACHEL GRIFFIN, Department of Communication, “‘Still I Rise’: Early Black Feminist Rhetors"
  • ANGELA SMITH, Department of English and Gender Studies Program, “Disability Affect: Moving Images and Special Effects"


  • ADAM GIANNELLI, Department of English, “Stutterfied”
  • RYAN NELSON, Department of Philosophy, “Understanding Autism: Ontology, Classification, and Ethics"


  • DAVID DMITRI HURLBUT, Department of History, Boston University, "Understanding the Rise of Mormonism in the Aba-Uyo Hinterlands of Nigeria, 1960-2005"


  • MAYA KOBE-RUNDIO, Department of Communication, Honors College, "In Her Element: Outdoor Recreation as a Tool for Female Empowerment and Community Building"



  • KEVIN COE, Department of Communication, "From Christian America to Pluralist America: Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama, and the Battle for the Soul of a Nation"
  • DANIELLE OLDEN, Department of History, "Racial Uncertanties: Mexican Americans, School Desegregation, and the Making of Race in a Post-Civil Rights America"
  • JEREMY ROSEN, Department of English, "Genre Bending: Contemporary Literary Transformations of Genre Fiction"
  • JESSICA STRALEY, Department of English, "Animal Testing: Education, Ecology, and Victorian Literature"


  • MATTHEW ROMANIELLO, Department of History, University of Hawaii at Manoa, "Humoral Subjects: Imperial Health in Eighteenth-Century Russia"
  • GRETCHEN HENDERSON, Department of English, Georgetown University, "Tectonic Essays: A Philosophy of Stones"


  • NICK HARRISON, Department of Philosophy, "Explaining Addiction: The Biomedical Model and its Effects"
  • SUNGGYUNG JO, Department of English, "Readerly Creations: Reading Novels and 'Reading' the Self"


  • CRISTINA ROSETTI, Department of Religious Studies, University of California, Riverside, "'The Veil was Thin': Mormon Interactions with Spiritualism in Contemporary Mormon Movements"


  • CHRISTAL HAZELTON, Department of Film & Media Arts,  Honors College, "The Things We Tell Our Children: A Look at LGBT+ in Children's Animation"



  • MATT BASSO, Department of History, "Reworking Settler Societies: Labor and the Evolution of Settler Colonialism in New Zealand and the United States, 1890-1950"
  • BENJAMIN B. COHEN, Department of History, "The Shape of Water in the Deccan, c. 1083-2013"
  • ANNE PETERSON, Department of Philosophy, "Matter, Composition, and Biological Unity in Aristotle"


  • COLLEEN O’NEILL, Department of History, Utah State University, "Labor and Sovereignty: The Transformation of Work in Indian Country, 1890 to the Present"
  • PIERRE-JULIEN HARTER, Department of Philosophy, Saint Xavier University, Buddhas in the Making: Path, Perfectability, and Gnosis in the Abhisamayālaṃkāra Literature"


  • ANNE ROYSTON, Department of English, "Reading Theory as Artist’s Book: Materiality, Writing, Technology
  • JESSICA HOUF, Department of Communication, "Bacteria, Bodies, and Boundaries: A Genealogy of Bacteria and the Human Body"


  • GAVIN FELLER, Department of Communication Studies, University of Iowa, Enamored but Ambivalent: Mormonism and 20th Century New Media"


  • JONAH KATZ, Asian Studies Major, Honors College, Analysis of 'Dream of the Red Chamber'  



  • HUGH CAGLE, Department of History, "Assembling the Tropics: Illness, Exploration, and Global Geography"
  • KATHARINE COLES, Department of English, "Poem, Image, Mage"
  • ERIC HINDERAKER, Department of History, "'Motley Rabble' or Martyrs for Liberty? The Boston Massacre and the Search for a Usable Past"
  • MAEERA SHREIBER, Department of English, "Holy Envy: Poetry, Modernism and the Judeo-Christian Border Zone"


  • DAVID KIERAN, Department of History, Washington-Jefferson College, "Signature Wounds: The Cultural Politics of Mental Health During the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars"
  • MARTIN PADGET, Department of English, Aberystwyth University, Wales, United Kingdom, "Paul Strand: Photography, Modernism, and the World"


  • JESSICA ALEXANDER, Department of English, "House of Glee," a grotesque novel
  • DANIEL AUERBACH, Department of Sociology, "Agent Orange: And the Treadmill of Destruction"


  • STANLEY THAYNE, Department of Religious Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "The Blood of Father Lehi: Indigenous Americans and The Book of Mormon"


  • JOSHUA LIPMAN, Religious Studies Program, Honors College, "Environmental Ethics in The Book of Mormon"


Virgil C. Aldrich Faculty Fellowships

  • Christine Jones, Department of Languages & Literature, "An Edible World: Hot Beverages, Orientalism, and the French Enlightenment"
  • Robin Jensen, Department of Communication, "Expectant Voices: A Rhetorical History of Fertility"
  • Dustin Stokes, Department of Philosophy, "Cognitive Penetration, Attention, and the Senses"
  • Margaret Wan, Department of Languages and Literature, "Drum Ballads: Popular Literature and Regional Culture in Nineteenth Century China"

Obert C. & Grace A. Tanner Humanities Center Visiting Research Fellowships

  • Don Fallis, Department of Information Resources, University of Arizona, "Disinformation and the Norms of Communication"

Graduate Research Fellowships

  • Travis Ross, Department of History, "History in the Works: Hubert Howe Bancroft, the History Company, and Making of Western History"
  • Sadie Hoagland, Department of English, "Strange Children - A Novel"

George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Fellowship in Mormon Studies

  • Nathan Jones, Department of History, "Mormon Political Thought in an Age of Pluralism"

Tanner Humanities Center Honors Undergraduate Fellowships

  • Kajsa Vlasic, Department of English, "Storytelling and the Patient Experience: An Examination of Narrative and Breast Cancer Survival"
  • Jeremy Sean Lofthouse, Departments of History and Religious Studies, "Tongues in Transition: The Changing Role of Glossolalia within Early Mormonism"


Virgil C. Aldrich Faculty Fellowships

  • Gema Guevara, Department of Languages & Literature, "The Sound and Silence of Race: Contesting Cuba’s Racial Paradigm (1830 - 1930)"
  • Matt Potolsky, Department of English, "Secrecy Theory: A Defense of Secrets in an Age of Full Disclosure"
  • Jonah Schupbach, Department of Philosophy, "Explanatory Reasoning: Philosophical and Empirical Considerations"
  • Hakan Yavuz, Department of Political Science, "The Process of Vernacularization and the Zones of Islam"

Obert C. & Grace A. Tanner Humanities Center Visiting Research Fellowships

  • Jared Farmer, Department of History, State University New York Stony Brook, "Trees in Time: History and Mortality among Sequoias"
  • Kevin Schultz, Department of History, University of Illinois at Chicago, "The Tory and the Libertine: Norman Mailer, William F. Buckley, Jr., and the American 1960s"

Graduate Research Fellowships

  • Louis Sherman, Department of English, "Guns and the Man: Control and the Armed Ideal in Twentieth-Century American Culture"
  • Spencer Wall, Department of English, "Mapping Milton: The Many Worlds of 'Paradise Lost'"

George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Fellowship in Mormon Studies

  • Saskia Tielens, Department of American Studies, Dortmund University, Germany "The Ritualization of Mormon History: Tracing Cultural Memory in a Global Zion"

Tanner Humanities Center Honors Undergraduate Fellowship

  • Jordan Jochim, Department of Political Science, "Renegotiating Injury: The Politics of Revenge and the Ethics of Tragic Inheritance"


Virgil C. Aldrich Faculty Fellowships

  • Mark E. Button, Department of Political Science, “Democratic Souls: Emerson, Whitman, and Beyond”
  • Benjamin B. Cohen, Department of History, “A Shocking Scandal: Love, Power, and History in Colonial India”
  • Robert W. Gehl, Department of Communication, “Socially engineering social media: Facebook, Google, Twitter, and the political economy of new media capitalism”
  • Eric Laursen, Department of Languages and Literature, “Transformers: Energy & Electrification in Early Soviet Culture”
  • James Tabery, Department of Philosophy, “Nature×Nuture: The History, Philosophy, and Bioethics of Gene-Environment Interaction” 

Obert C. & Grace A. Tanner Humanities Center Visiting Research Fellowships

  • Richard S. Street, Independent Scholar, “Knife Fight City: Life, Labor, and Community in a Giant Farm Labor Exploitation Camp on the West Side of California’s San Joaquin Valley”

Graduate Research Fellowships

  • William K. Martin, Department of History, “Cartography as an Expression of Empire: Mapping Colonial North America and the Early American Republic”

George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Fellowship in Mormon Studies

  • Rosemary Avance, Annenberg School for Communication, The University of Pennsylvania, “Voices and silences: On the dialogic construction of Mormon identities”

Tanner Humanities Center Honors Undergraduate Fellowship

  • Emmylou Manwill, Department of Political Science & Department of International Studies


Virgil C. Aldrich Faculty Fellowships

  • Danielle Endres, Department of Communication, "Toxic Discourse:  The Rhetoric of Nuclear Waste Siting in the U.S."
  • Anne Jamison, Department of English, "Kafka's Other Prague: Late Writings in the New Republic"
  • Kathryn Stockton, Department of English, "The Sexualized Child in a Racialized World"

Obert C. & Grace A. Tanner Humanities Center Visiting Research Fellowships

  • Greg Forter, University of South Carolina, "Atlantic and Other Worlds: Critique and Utopia in Contemporary Historical Realism"

Graduate Research Fellowships

  • Julie Gonnering Lein, Department of English, "The Magdeburg Experiment: A Book of Poems"
  • Barbara Duffey, Department of English, "Simple Machines: A Book of Poems"
  • Esther Lee, Department of English, "Omma [as]: A Novel"

George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Fellowship in Mormon Studies

  • Max Mueller, Harvard University, "Beyond the Priesthood: Race and Gender in the History of African-American Mormons"

Tanner Humanities Center Honors Undergraduate Fellowship

  • Michael Taney, Department of History


Virgil C. Aldrich Faculty Fellowships

  • Chrisoula Andreou, Department of Philosophy, “Dynamic Choice and Its Discontents"
  • Kimberly Mangun, Department of Communication, "'A Giant in Birmingham': Editor Emory Overton Jackson and the Fight for Civil Rights in Alabama"
  • Daniel Medwed, College of Law, "Compromising Innocence: American Prosecutors and the Race to Convict"
  • Lance Olsen, Department of English, "Theories of Forgetting"

Obert C. & Grace A. Tanner Humanities Center Visiting Research Fellowships

  • Susan Courtney, University of South Carolina, "Split Screen Nation: Moving Images of the South, the West, and the U.S.A. at Midcentury"

Graduate Research Fellowships

  • Shira Dentz, Department of English, "Rose Secoming: A Collection of Poetry and Prose"
  • Rachel Marston, Department of English, "How to Speak to God: A Fictional Exploration of Nuclear Testing, Faith, and Monstrosity in the American West"

George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Fellowship in Mormon Studies

  • Kate Holbrook, Boston University, "Radical Food: Mormon Foodways and the American Mainstream"

Post-Doctoral Fellowship

  • Michael Trestman, University of California, Davis


Virgil C. Aldrich Faculty Fellowships

  • Kevin DeLuca, Department of Communication, "Creating Wilderness, Imagining Environmentalism's Sublime Object"
  • Eric Hutton, Department of Philosophy, "A New Translation of Xunzi"
  • Stacy Margolis, Department of English, "The Rise and Fall of Public Opinion: Literature and Networks in the Early Republic"

Obert C. & Grace A. Tanner Humanities Center Visiting Research Fellowship

  • Michele Mendelssohn, Oxford University, "A Race for Beauty?: The Cultural Politics of Aestheticism"

Graduate Research Fellowships

  • Monika Piotrowska, Department of Philosophy, "Human, Part-Human, and Human Parts"
  • Alfred Seegert, Department of English, "Till We Have (Inter)faces: A Study in Ecocriticism and Cyberculture"


Virgil C. Aldrich Faculty Fellowships

  • Suhi Choi, Department of Communication,"The Book of 'Counter Memory and the Korean War'"
  • Emily Michelson, Department of History, "The Pulpit and the Press in Catholic Italy, 1520-1600"
  • Helga Shugart, Department of Communication, "Bodies of Work: The Cultural Production of Obesity"
  • Melanie Rae Thon, Department of English, "The Voice of the River, a novel in progress"

Obert C. & Grace A.Tanner Humanities Center Visiting Research Fellowships

  • Ellen Litwicki, SUNY Fredonia, "Between Commerce and Affection: A Cultural History of Domestic Gift Giving in America"
  • Katy Ryan, West Virginia University, "The Death Penalty: A Performance over the Twentieth-Century"

Graduate Research Fellowships

  • Halina Duraj, Department of English, "Fatherland: A Novel"
  • Mary Gould, Department of Communication, "The Rock, the Plantation, and Emerald City: Visibility and the Representational Politics of the Prison System"


Virgil C. Aldrich Faculty Fellowships

  • Matt Haber, Department of Philosophy, "The Centrality of Phylogenetic Thinking"
  • Christine Jones, Department of Languages and Literature, "Size Matters: Proportion and the Arts in France (1680-1725)"
  • Paul Reeve, Department of History, "Nineteenth Century Mormon Bodies: Power, Polygamy, and the Creation of a 'New Race'"
  • Paisley Rekdal, Department of English, "Intimate: An American Photo Album"

Obert C. & Grace A. Tanner Humanities Center Visiting Research Fellowships

  • Laura Briggs, University of Arizona, "The Politics of Transnational and Transracial Adoption"
  • Kristine Harper, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, "Weather  By Design: State Control of the Atmosphere in Twentieth Century America"

Graduate Research Fellowships

  • Ryan Dearinger, Department of History, "Frontiers of Progress and Paradox: Building Canals, Railroads, and Manhood in the America West"
  • Cara Diaconoff, Department of English, Marian Hall


Virgil C. Aldrich Faculty Fellowships

Chrisoula Andreou, Department of Philosophy, “Environmental Damage and Self-Control”

Anne Keary, Department of History, “Comparing Cross-Cultural Histories:  Christianity, Colonialism and Cross-Cultural Translation in Eastern Australia and Northwestern America”

Nancy A. McLaughlin, College of Law, “Conservation Easements:  An Experiment in Land Preservation”

Angela Smith, Department of English, “’Hideous Progeny’:  Eugenics, Disability and Classic Horror Cinema”

Obert C. & Grace A. Tanner Humanities Center Visiting Research Fellows

Farid Abdel-Nour, San Diego State University, "Political Responsibility: How Individuals are Answerable for Their Polity"

Ronald Doel, Oregon State University, "Ewing's Mansion: Ethics, Science, and the Production of Knowledge During the Cold War"

Jenefer Robinson, University of Cincinnati, "Emotion as Process"

Graduate Research Fellows

Jonathan Moyer, Department of History, “Interaction of the Mormon Church and the Republican Party in Local and National Politics”

Katie R. Sullivan, Department of Communication, “How is Sexuality Discursively Constructed in the Profession of Massage Therapy?”


Virgil C. Aldrich Faculty Fellowships

Mark Button, Department of Political Science, "Democratic Humility and the Virtues of Late Modernity"

Claudio Holzner, Department of Political Science, "Contrasting Voices of Mexico's Democracy"

Isabel Moreira, Department of History, "Purgatory:  Punishment and Mediation in the Early Medieval Afterlife"

Margaret Wan, Department of Languages and Literature, "Cultural Literacies: Popular Literature and Local Culture in Late Imperial China"

Obert C. & Grace A. Tanner Humanities Center Visiting Research Fellows

Michaele Ferguson, U. Colorado, Boulder,  "Sharing Democracy"

Kathrin Koslicki, Tufts University, "The Language of Counting and Measuring"

Keith Watenpaugh, Le Moyne College, "The Generation of 1900: The Arab Intellectual Between Islam and Modernity"  George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Foundation Distinguished Fellow in Democracy and Diversity

Betsy Duquette, Gettysburg College, “Loyal Subjects:  Problems of Race, Nation, and Allegiance in Nineteenth-Century America”

Graduate Research Fellows

Kyeong-Kyu Im, Department of English, “Empire and Diasporic Formation of Asian America” 

Tracy Marafiote, PDepartment of Communication, “Boundaries of Identity, Earth and Institution:  A Cultural History of the Wilderness Society and the Wilderness Act of 1964”


Virgil C. Aldrich Faculty Fellowships 

Nadja Durbach, Department of History, “Exhibiting Freaks:  Constructing the Modern British Body, 1830-1914”

Daniel J.H. Greenwood, College of Law, “The Metaphors of Corporate Law”

Joseph Metz, Department of Languages and Literature, “Writing in the Margins:  Gender, Nation, and the Figuration of Austria as Inner Colonial Space, 1840-1940”

Ronald Smelser, Department of History, “The Myth of the Eastern Front:  An American Perspective”

Obert C. & Grace A. Tanner Humanities Center Visiting Research Fellows

Marian Eide, Texas A&M University, “the Lure of Violence:  Political Brutality in Twentieth-Century Aesthetics”

Jennifer Ritterhouse, Utah State University,  “Learning Race:  Racial Etiquette and the Socialization of the Children in the Jim Crow South”

Graduate Research Fellows

David C. Hawkins, Department of English, “Dark Adaptation,” a poetry manuscript project. 

Carolina Webber, Department of Communication, “A Case Study of a State Court Systems Organizational Communication Processes”


Virgil C. Aldrich Faculty Fellowships

Katharine Coles, Department of English

Lisa Flores, Department of Languages and Literature

Gema Guevara, Department of Languages and Literature

Mauricio Mixco, Department of Languages and Literature

Obert C. & Grace A. Tanner Humanities Center Visiting Research Fellows

Erika Bsumek, University of Texas, Austin:  “Indian-Made®:  The Construction and consumption of Navajo Identity, 1860-1940”

Dana Luciano, Hamilton College:  “Revisions of Mourning:  Loss, Nationality and the Longing for Form in Nineteenth Century America”

Graduate Research Fellows

Hale Yilmaz, Department of History, "Learning, Resisting, Living:  Negotiating the Kemalist Reforms in Trabzon, 1923-1938"


Virgil C. Aldrich Faculty Fellowships

Vincent J. Cheng, Department of English (Fall; Virgil Aldrich Fellowship)

Cynthia Stark, Department of Philosophy (Fall, Virgil Aldrich Fellowship)

Karen Lee Ashcraft, Department of Communication (Spring, Virgil Aldrich Fellowship)

Mariam G. Thalos, Department of Philosophy (Spring, Virgil Aldrich Fellowship)

Graduate Research Fellows

Brian Kubarycz, Department of English (Tanner Graduate Fellowship)

Justen Mark Olsen, Department of Philosophy (Tanner Graduate Fellowship)

Jason Pickavance, Department of English (Tanner Graduate Fellowship

Eileen Wallis, PDepartment of History (Tanner Graduate Fellowship)


Virgil C. Aldrich Faculty Fellowships

Kimberly Lau, Department of English, Department of Women Studies, "The Anatomy of a Movement: Women, Activism, and Embodiment Theory"

Marouf Hasian, Jr., Department of Communication, "Collective Memories and Anglo-American Holocaust Trials"

Edward Rubin, Department of Linguistics, "Modifier Phrase, Bare Phrase Structure, and Functional Categories"

Janet Theiss, Department of History, "Dealing with Disgrace: Chastity and Statecraft in Eighteenth-Century China"

Obert C. & Grace A. Tanner Humanities Center Visiting Research Fellows

Shannon Miller, Temple University, "Engendering the Fall: John Milton and Seventeenth Century Writing by Women"

Shawn Michelle Smith, Washington State University, "Photography on the Color Line"

Graduate Research Fellows

Katie Pearce-Sassen, Department of History, "A Cultural Study of the Eagle Forum and Concerned Women for America in the Battle Over the Equal Rights Amendment."

Ryan Spellecy, Department of Philosophy, "Ulysses Contracts and Mental Illness."


Virgil C. Aldrich Faculty Fellowships

Peregrine Schwartz-Shea, Department of Political Science, "What are the Possibilities for a More Humanistic Social Science? The Case of Political Science"

Eric Laursen, Department of Languages and Literature, "Engineers of the Human Soul: Proletarian Theory and the Fantastic in Russian Literature of the 1920's"

Jacqueline Osherow, Department of English, "Take Words With You"

Obert C. & Grace A. Tanner Humanities Center Visiting Research Fellows

Carol Poster, Montana State University, "Figural Rhetoric"

Craig Kallendorf, Texas A&M University, "The Other Virgil: The Subversive Aeneid in Early Modern Europe"

Graduate Research Fellows

Carl Sederholm, Department of English, "Early American Literature and the influence with the occult"

Lora Knight, Department of History, " Women and Eugenics in Germany and the U.S.,1900-1940"




Last Updated: 2/27/25