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The Tanner Lecture on Human Values

The Tanner Lectures are a collection of educational and scientific discussions relating to human values. Conducted by leaders in their fields, the lectures are also presented at:

Linacre College, Oxford University  |  Clare Hall, Cambridge University  |  Harvard University  |  

Yale University  |  Princeton University  |  University of Michigan  |  Stanford University  |  

University of California at Berkeley


The Tanner Lecture on Human Values at the University of Utah

The Tanner Lecture on Human Values began in 1976 when Obert C. Tanner helped create this global program that now invites leaders to speak at nine universities around the world. These talks focus on the interdisciplinary work of science and morality, discussing concepts that enrich community through groundbreaking policy and education. He said at the founding of the series, “This understanding may be pursued for its own intrinsic worth, but it may also eventually have practical consequences for the quality of personal and social life.” The Tanner Lecture on Human Values invites distinguished speakers from across all disciplines who are making exciting discoveries and advancements in pursuit of a better world.

Upcoming Lectures

No upcoming lectures at this time.

Previous Lectures

The Tanner Lecture on Human Values : 2023 - 2024 Lectures

Past Univeristy of Utah Tanner Lectures on Human Values

Past Tanner Lectures on Human Values

Watch previous lectures

The Tanner Lecture on Human Values 2023-2024

David Wallace-Wells 

The tanner lecture on human values 

October 24, 2023 | 1:00 p.m. | Gould Auditorium

Robin Wall Kimmerer is the author of Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teaching of Plants. Kyle Whyte is a Professor of Environment and Sustainability and George Willis Pack Professor at University of Michigan. Video recording is private, please email for access. 
Watch  THE Daily Utah Chronicle  STudent article  STudent review

The Tanner Lecture on Human Values 2022-2023

Kim Stanley Robinson

The tanner lecture on human values

March 16, 2023 | 7:00 p.m. | Kingsbury Hall 

Kim Stanley Robinson is a New York Times bestseller and winner of the Hugo, Nebula, and Locus awards. He is the author of more than twenty books, including the bestselling Mars trilogy and the critically acclaimed 2312, Shaman, and New York 2140. His book The Ministry for the Future explores the effects of climate change and the crisis we will face in the near future. He recently published The High Sierra: A Love Story.
Watch  Daily UTAH CHRONICLE  Salt Lake Tribune  @THEU

Heather McGhee

The tanner lecture on human values

November 17, 2022 | 7:00 p.m. | Moot Courtroom

Heather McGhee is the past president of the progressive think tank Demos. She currently chairs the board of the online racial justice organization Color of Change. Her new book is The Sum Of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone And How We Can Prosper Together.




Last Updated: 2/27/25