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Hollis Robbins

A Message from the Dean

          For 35 years, the Tanner Humanities Center has brought the world to the University of Utah, inviting transformational writers and humanist leaders such as Margaret Atwood, Tony Kushner, Isabel Allende and Mohamed ElBaradei to exchange ideas with our faculty, our students, and our community, and to provoke us to examine ever anew the complex history of human flourishing. The Humanities begin in wonder and end in understanding. We have provided a home for a generation of fellows to produce research on human creativity and resilience in times of war, famine, oppression, and peace, from medieval Europe to Imperial China, to the Navaho experience over three centuries. Three and a half decades of enrichment! We look forward to decades upon decades more. - Hollis Robbins

Hollis Robbins

    Dean, College of Humanities
    University of Utah

Last Updated: 2/27/25